Star Wars Queerbaiting With Same-Sex Kiss

Have you ever noticed the diverse range of characters in the Star Wars universe? From aliens to droids to humans, the galaxy far, far away is filled with a variety of individuals. It's no surprise that the franchise has also started to explore more diverse representation, including LGBTQ+ characters. Whether it's in books, comics, or TV shows, Star Wars is slowly but surely expanding its inclusivity. If you want to learn more about this topic, check out this insightful article here.

In the recent Star Wars film, The Rise of Skywalker, fans were treated to a historic moment - a same-sex kiss between two female Resistance fighters. While this moment was a step in the right direction for LGBTQ+ representation in mainstream media, many fans and critics alike have accused the Star Wars franchise of queerbaiting.

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Queerbaiting is the practice of hinting at, but never actually depicting, same-sex romantic relationships in order to attract a queer audience without alienating straight viewers. This tactic has been used in film and television for years, and many believe that Star Wars is guilty of this practice.

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The Same-Sex Kiss

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The same-sex kiss in The Rise of Skywalker occurs during a celebratory scene at the Resistance base. Two female Resistance fighters are shown sharing a kiss in the background, a brief moment that was easy to miss for some viewers. While the moment was a small step forward for LGBTQ+ representation in the Star Wars universe, it has been criticized for being too little, too late.

Queerbaiting in Star Wars

Many fans and critics have pointed out that the same-sex kiss in The Rise of Skywalker feels like a token gesture rather than a genuine attempt at LGBTQ+ representation. Throughout the entire Star Wars saga, there has been a lack of openly LGBTQ+ characters, and the same-sex kiss in the latest film feels like an attempt to placate queer fans without actually committing to meaningful representation.

The lack of LGBTQ+ representation in Star Wars is particularly disappointing given the franchise's massive cultural impact and influence. With such a large platform, many believe that Star Wars has a responsibility to accurately depict the diverse world we live in, including LGBTQ+ individuals and relationships.

The Impact of Queerbaiting

Queerbaiting is harmful because it perpetuates the idea that LGBTQ+ relationships are something to be hinted at or hidden rather than openly depicted and celebrated. It sends the message that queer relationships are not worthy of the same level of visibility and respect as heterosexual relationships, which can be damaging to LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies.

Furthermore, queerbaiting can lead to a sense of disillusionment and disappointment for LGBTQ+ fans who are eager to see themselves represented in the media they love. It creates a false sense of inclusion, as it gives the appearance of diversity without actually delivering on meaningful representation.

Moving Forward

As the Star Wars franchise continues to expand with new films, television shows, and other media, it is crucial for creators to prioritize genuine LGBTQ+ representation. This means depicting LGBTQ+ characters and relationships in a meaningful and authentic way, rather than resorting to queerbaiting tactics.

It is important for fans to continue to hold media franchises like Star Wars accountable for their representation of LGBTQ+ individuals. By speaking out against queerbaiting and advocating for genuine representation, fans can help push for positive change in the industry.

In conclusion, while the same-sex kiss in The Rise of Skywalker was a step in the right direction for LGBTQ+ representation in Star Wars, it is important for fans and critics to continue to push for genuine and meaningful representation in the franchise. Queerbaiting tactics are harmful and ultimately do a disservice to LGBTQ+ fans who deserve to see themselves reflected in the media they love. It is time for Star Wars and other media franchises to prioritize and celebrate diversity in all its forms.